Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Beep Beep!

So sorry for not posting lately. Sid Vicious was kind enough to chastize me throughoughly. Last week I spent a few days in Ireland but unfortunately I wasn't able to stay for St. Patrick's Day. Nevertheless, I spent St. Pat's at a parade in London and being domestic. I know... Eee gads what has gotten into her? :P She's domesticating.. Well I just needed a break. But now she's back in full swing. Up to her old tricks and drama. For your viewing pleasure, as I rarely do photo posts, my NEW CAR (said in that cheesy Price is Right tone).

Isn't she pretty?

Oh and for you X, the platform 9 3/4 picture I promised. They even have a luggage cart stuck into the middle of the brick where you pose to look like you're about to pass through it. So cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, Sid Vicious has certain expectations of guests in his native country. Now go pogoing!

--Sid Vicious