I thought you deserved a brief update from my adventures abroad. I know you have been waiting with baited breath, anticipating my next revelation. It's okay. I know. I promise to post more. I actually have numerous personal developments not suitable for such a wity and fun blog. However I do have a question to pose. Perhaps you can help. Given my most recent exploits and developments I wonder if I should continue friendships obtained via the internet. Specifically, I continue to get a daily email from Swedish stalker. Should I learn from previous misrepresentations of my affections and personality by ceasing talking to said stalker? My first inclination is that this Swede, while socially awkward is not a determint to my personal security and safety. Although I've made the mistake before that people were harmless, I must admit that I enjoy making new friends and learning from different people.
Should I learn from my past mistakes and just disconnect myself from potential misguided romance? Or should I continue to be a gentle, good hearted person who likes being nice and learning from people to appease loneliness?
While I'm not a fan of John Mayer, one of my friends pointed out the lyric that I quite like. He's the best for putting my mind at ease and allowing me to slumber quite peacefully. Having great friends like him make my world go around. I don't want to lose these friends due to selfish concern for my own security and integrity. He's a great friend. I can learn a lot from him.
I'd like to think the best of me
Is still hiding up my sleeve
Saturday, March 31, 2007
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