Wednesday, September 13, 2006

It's my blog and I'll blog if i want to

It's my blog and I'll blog if I want to... Blog if I want to... Blog if I want to... You would blog too if it happened to you!
Okay I digress from my silliness, but really. I have very little to actually blog about so I am going to tell yet another embarrassing crazy clumsy story. On my way to RTP this week from AUS through NAS, I was on the phone. My Cell phone. Casually I am walking down the hallway at the airport in NAS when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, as if I were playing a video game and a trap was sprung before my very eyes, one of those sets of chairs pops up. And I fall. I don't just casually hit it. Oh no. Not me. I fall over it, hitting my thigh in the process and doing a summersault over the top of it. Backpack, cell phone, and legs go sprawling on the ground like a passed out drunk frat daddy at his first keg party. And of course I make such a ruckus that everyone within a 2 mile radius hears it. The air traffic control tower was even alerted to the incident! "Attention tower.. metalchick has just fallen in terminal C. She fell over a stationary object bruising her right thigh and making a huge embarrassment of herself."
On other related notes, I am heading back to my hotel to go running after a long day's afternoon here in North Carolina! I have more stories to impart about dreams soon.


Dark Damian said...

You didn't.

TELL me you didn't.

You did NOT trip over a set of chairs in the middle of a crowded airport.

Only you, dear, only you.

Anonymous said...

THat's AWESOME!! Sounds like something I would do. You came through Austin? *wave wave*

Metalchick said...

Oh I did. I have got some major skills huh?

SS: I'm in Austin for the next few hours! wee!

Anonymous said...

Sooo how was your visit to my fair city?

Metalchick said...

SS :) I live in your fair city. Well for now. Still waiting on my visa to move.

Visit is good. Heading out to the netherlands this week! Wee. ACL fest is doing something crazy to the fucking traffic. I am sure you've noticed.

Anonymous said...

I havent really noticed becuase I live up North and I stayed out of the city's way. In fact I didnt even leave the couch until 9 Saturday night. Yeah I was that lazy

Anonymous said...

So let me guess, you had blackberry in hand and were simultaneously talking and writing up an email to Badri? ;)

Metalchick said...

Badri hates me. I haven't talked to him in quite some time. He doesn't wanna talk to me cause he's disappointed that I haven't been able to be at his beck and call for the past week. I was actually on the phone with one of our wonderful sales guys. :)

Elle said...


You fuckin' rock.

Thanks for "gettin' my back" on DD's blog.
