Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Anger Management

I very rarely get angry. Very rarely do I get so angry that I can hardly speak. The reason for this is when I get angry, I don't leave behind in Hurricane Metalchick's wake a couple of overturned chairs but my anger has far greater consequences. There is no physical mark left but a far greater consequence of leaving behind those words that will haunt a person for years to come. It is for this reason that I try to keep the tempest at bay. Unfortunately sometimes I fail. Yesterday it was a close call. A very very close call. You see, I have been trying to get in contact with my letting agent (aka person who manages the properties for rent) to finalize the letting agreement. I had phoned. I had emailed. I had already put down a 200 pound deposit. I just wanted to clarify one point. You see when I went to visit the flat (aka apartment) I had written down the address as 12 AddressStreet. But... BUT when I received the formal lease agreement it had 11 AddressStreet. An entirely different address all together! Deception really irks me. And ignoring my phone calls and emails on top of deception really really irks me to the point of no return. So yesterday, I bypassed a meeting and drove the 20 minutes into Reading to actually have a little chat with my letting agent. Eventually, after me sitting there demanding answers, I got what I wanted at the price that was promised to me and in writing. This whole move is really starting to get on my very very last nerve. I could scream. This morning I had to run for a full hour just to not yell at the next person I spoke to. And that's not me. Not me at all. I like people and I like being friendly and nice. But HOLY SHIT do I want to hurt someone right now. I can't wait for Dec 12. I can't wait can't wait. It's all i can think about!

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