Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hell Freezes Over....

I often reply to all those Europeans that want to know what Texas is like with:
Texas, like most places has 4 seasons. They are just unique in those seasons. They are:
- Hot
- Hotter than Hell
- The Devil wouldn't fuckin live here (delete expletive if in professional environment).
- And sometimes... Just sometimes Hell freezes over...

Well today ladies and gentlemen, Hell froze over. And of course wouldn't you know it, I slipped and fell on my knee trying to get some garbage into the garbage bin... :) But it's ICE and SNOW and a veritable winter wonderland here in TX. Oh what joy is this!


Dubbayoo said...

It snowed in L.A. too but it didn't really stick.

Metalchick said...

Wow. Snow in LA sounds nasty. Hope you were warm. It's supposed to get cold in Austin again this week.