Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Bank Holidays

Yesterday was a Bank Holiday. To normal people and by that I mean Americans, it means business as usual with the obvious small inconviniences of banks, schools, and public offices being closed. Normally a holiday isn't that big of a deal. Unfortunately the UK takes its holidays to extreme. Case in point, I arrived at my gym for my normal 6:30 run only to realize that the gym would be closed. It's a bank holiday. Lovely. (note: yes. pretty much everything either opened late or was closed entirely like shops, grocery stores, and dining establishments... any excuse not to work and the British will take it)

So, relentless in pursuing a good opportunity to work up a good sweat and lather, I decide to take my run outdoors.. in the pouring rain... on a path I've never tread before. Carpe Diem right?!? Yep. Absolutely. Emboldened by my adventurous spirit and devil may care attitude, I decided to take a quick drive to a small town called Goring, just off the River Thames. The web site for footpaths foretold of adventures unparalled anywhere in Europe. This quaint little town with its majestic views of manor houses and beautiful river front footpaths would inspire anyone. For once, the British weren't embellishing. It was really pretty even in the rain. I even got to see sites that I hadn't even thought about like glancing toward a manor house and seeing the rather old manor couple going at it like two dogs in heat... on the kitchen table... with all of the windows open... EWW! My eyes! A bit later I was so awe-inspired by the lock system used to push this huge yacht through the harbour that I failed to see this branch in my path. Yes. You guessed it right. Head over toes, I tumbled along the muddy hill like Joan Wilder in Romancing the Stone, except without the graceful plop and a handsome Michael Douglas to pick me up. Carefully feeling around to locate my glasses and IPOD, I popped back up and kept running... in the mud. Yes. I am smart. I had to keep running as the sun was coming out and I didn't have anything to cover the seats in my mini. What a great, smelly way to dry off!

What's really sad is I did this completely sober. Yes. You heard it here first... I'm totally sober. No more than 1 glass/bottle/pitcher of alcohol per 24 hours shall pass these lips. Ever again.

Oh and I stole a picture off some other website to show you what the view is supposed to look like when the sun is out. This lock mechanism is fascinating! I am such a nerd but I did walk back just to watch to see how they took this huge yacht through the lock. It was incredible engineering... Yes. I know... Panama canal on much smaller scale. Shhh. I'm a closet nerd. Peace. Much love.

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