Monday, July 17, 2006

Glamorous Lifestyles of the Working Class

I'd like to say that I haven't kept this blog up to date because well I've been busy having fun. While there is some truth to that statement and I am having a blast, I'm also doing a considerable amount of work. Yes. I know. ME?!? Work!!??!? Who would have thought it? Right now however, I find myself in a lull period. So what did I decide to do? Oh yes. You guessed it, expense reports. So off I go into the depths of my double-wide suitcase to unearth mounds of crumpled receipts for everything from flowers (a different story for a different day) to dinners to ahem... drinks to taxis. As I sit here quietly at my desk pondering my life away, I realize that I now have to figure out how to enter in hotel expenses where the hotel bill is in Sterling or Euros and my Credit Card shows US Dollars. Euros isn't so difficult. But finding the right exchange rate is unbelievably painful, especially knowing that I have to break out the bill by food, room rate, and taxes. YIPPEE. I lead such a glorious life. Be jealous. Swim in it until your fingers get all pringley.

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