Saturday, July 22, 2006

Hotel, sweet hotel

Throughout my travels here in Holland, one thing has been predictable. I will get lost. No sense of direction or ability to read maps will assist me in my inevitable position. Lost. I am. But if I keep moving, I find my way. Throughout Eindhoven, Utrecht, and Amersfoot travels, roundabouts and misplaced/hard to read signs in Dutch contribute to this lost state of mind. It's positively the most out of place feeling to know you are lost in a foreign country without a single Clue as to where you actually are. So you just keep moving and then before your eyes, the hotel appears on the left. Trust your instincts and ask for directions. But keep moving on. Holland's a great place to discover these little tidbits.

Alternatively, once you arrive at the 3 or 5 star hotel with gourmet breakfast, lavish reception rooms, business centers, and comfortable style, you will only be disappointed at what they consider 5 star service. Overall the beds and rooms have been comfortable. They're pragmatic and convenient. But the other amenities like Internet access and elevators tend to be inconsistently inoperable. It makes for a roller coaster ride to see if the next hotel, the next destination has air conditioned rooms (due to the aforementioned heat wave), high speed Internet access that WORKS, and elevators or lifts. Their version of breakfast is also suspect with weird sausages and eggs. Most have the European style breakfasts of cold meats and cheeses which I have learned to appreciate at the beginning of my day. It's always an adventure here in paradise.

Flying back to London where I will be lost AND driving on the wrong side of the road. Fear me.

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