Saturday, February 10, 2007

Adapting quite nicely I suppose...

Today I do not have that much to post. I am adapting quite nicely. I have learned to say rubbish bin when I mean trash can, chips when I want french fries, crisps when I want chips, and bloody fucking hell is not so sparingly intermixed with my normal speech... So I am a true American Brit. Lovely. Just bloody brilliant.

In other news, I leased a car today. I won't be purchasing a car but these boots, dress heels, and flip flops were not made for walking 5 miles to the grocery store. To be civilized I leased a car... not just any car mind you... But... are you ready for this? I don't think you're ready...

A Mini! Yes that's right a mini! It's green just like the one below... Yes! I might be a good Brit afterall.


Unknown said...

Thats a really neat car.

Dubbayoo said...

nice color

Metalchick said...

Thanks! I am super excited.